Putere Viaţă Protecţia And for me, most of all, joy, being totally lost in his own world - which hopefully consits of more than the stones he is sitting up on.
de ce hoinarind in haos...adica in Romania...pentru ca tara asta traieste in haos de sute de ani si cred ca taind poteci in aceasta viata a noastra, ridicind intrebari, cunoscind oameni, mai putem face ceva, sa incercam sa inducem o entropie hranitoare de spirit ce va ataca halul de criza, nu de finante ci de creier si sentiment, de inima si moral...prieteni, ajutati-ma !
And for me, most of all, joy, being totally lost in his own world - which hopefully consits of more than the stones he is sitting up on.
rider on an invisible horse