A masterpiece, which should be framed, as the "wind of life and its difficulties, might be already blowing from behind", I'd like to wish him his thoughts, hopes and dreams to become reality.
de ce hoinarind in haos...adica in Romania...pentru ca tara asta traieste in haos de sute de ani si cred ca taind poteci in aceasta viata a noastra, ridicind intrebari, cunoscind oameni, mai putem face ceva, sa incercam sa inducem o entropie hranitoare de spirit ce va ataca halul de criza, nu de finante ci de creier si sentiment, de inima si moral...prieteni, ajutati-ma !
pentru un loc sigur in paradis ? pentru asta e rugaciunea ?
RăspundețiȘtergerepoate se roaga pentru un anonim...
RăspundețiȘtergereA masterpiece, which should be framed, as the "wind of life and its difficulties, might be already blowing from behind", I'd like to wish him his thoughts, hopes and dreams to become reality.