Looks as if you found the one, being able to walk upon water. Hopefully able to become a fisherman of mankind, able to provide food and hope for so many. Please have a nice Thursday.
de ce hoinarind in haos...adica in Romania...pentru ca tara asta traieste in haos de sute de ani si cred ca taind poteci in aceasta viata a noastra, ridicind intrebari, cunoscind oameni, mai putem face ceva, sa incercam sa inducem o entropie hranitoare de spirit ce va ataca halul de criza, nu de finante ci de creier si sentiment, de inima si moral...prieteni, ajutati-ma !
Looks as if you found the one, being able to walk upon water. Hopefully able to become a fisherman of mankind, able to provide food and hope for so many.
RăspundețiȘtergerePlease have a nice Thursday.
daily athens